1. What to do when the company's digital ecosystem extends to the general ecosystem?
- Components of a digital ecosystem of a company (devices, networks, data and information, software and services ...).
- Impact of changes in IT (cloud, mobility, big data, IoT, BYOD ...).
- What about its use (security, privacy, ethics ...).
2. The ecosystem of the company's future
- Enterprise 2.0 / 3.0 / increased.
- Effect of social intelligence (connective, collaborative, collective or crowdsourcing).
- Adapting to the digital evolution and change of culture (IKWIWIWIN, disruption ...).
3. BIG DATA Ecosystem: Will a shift computational humanities?
- What imitate epistemological, methodological, but also ethical Big Data
- How to fight and regulate this new ecosystem prediction "With big power come big responsabilities."
- What is the political dimension of BIG DATA?
4. Ecosystem Oriented Architecture (EOA) to SOA
- EOA and SOA (software services ...).
- How EOA employee has broad set of digital components, such as: software services, business services, knowledge, representations of the economy
- How Has to EOA "... exploit the dynamic interaction (with cooperation and competition) of Several players in order to Produce systemic results in terms of innovation and economic development"
5. DevOps, AGILE methodology, PEOPLE, SILO, ITIL, Craftsmanship, what tools, what capabilities?
- Values, principles, practices, tools and methods that promote a stronger company, more dynamic and efficient.
6. Docker compared Virtualization Technologies
- How different virtualization?
- What are the main advantages of Docker compared to virtualization?
- Benefits and added value
- Where to start a Docker deployment project?
7. SDN Virtualization and Network Functions: Towards a more robust and flexible ecosystem
- SDN and VNF, how the two are not only complementary, purpose, When Deployed together, are synergistic
- How SDN and VNF work together to simplify the Ability to Implement Service chaining of multiple VNFs on the save platform
- How The orchestration layer can dynamically define a series of services to be Implemented on the virtualized platform based on Intelligent Information Gathered from the network
8. The dual source virtualization paves the way for open hybrid clouds
- How to integrate alternative suppliers of virtualization technology as well as technologies to manage heterogeneous virtual environment?
- Advantages and limitations
9. The NoSQL Ecosystem: The Architecture of Open Source Applications
- How Hadoop, NoSQL offer big benefits and challenges for big data
- How Technologies like Hadoop, NoSQL databases, cloud databases and MapReduce-have the potential to help enterprises use big data to transform Many areas of the business
- How it can help organizations analyze sensor data for business intelligence, social mine data to monitor corporate reputation, predict customer behavior and personalize communications, and be the first to Identify and exploit new market trends.
- Worry ! (bad use)
Experience some suppliers at national and international level by showing the interest, technologies and implementation of means regarding:
10. SMART Grid
11. SMART Learning
12. SMART City
13. Social and digital economy
14.Smart citoyen 21 e siècle