Registration fee : Only for non-guests
With accommodation
Without accommodation
Resident in Tunisia
150 DT
250 DT
350 DT
100 DT
200 DT
300 DT
Non Resident in Tunisia
150 euros
250 euros
350 euros
100 euros
200 euros
300 euros
Note : For residents in Tunisia the amount is fixed in DT
Terms of payment:
- Payment can be made by bank transfer to the following account: (Account Holder: PRO-DIDACTIC - Mahdia, Tunisia -Tax registration number : 1427482/H - RIB : 01 016 0561112001610 41)
- Purchase order : the participant must present himself with this piece
- Cash or check: the day of attendance at the conference
Note :
- You should send the supporting documents concerning the payment before March 10, 2017 by mail to the following address:
- For any further information you can contact Mr Anis Kammoun and Mr Mohamed Ben Jazia. Phone:+21621850467/+21655655835